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Window EMF Shielding

Silver SuperShield EMF Shielding Material

Silver SuperShield EMF Shielding Material

£ 94.80

Silver SuperShield EMF...

£ 94.80
Silver SuperShield EMF Protective Fabric High transparency Double Silver-plated nylon fabric (24% Silver). EMF Shielding: 50 dB @ 1 GHz (99.999% shielding). Very strong and lightweight. Conductive can be earthed. Applications: EMF Curtains,...
EMF Shielding Fabric Veil

EMF Shielding Fabric Veil

£ 89.76

EMF Shielding Fabric Veil

£ 89.76
Veil is a fine semi-transparent fabric for protection against high-frequency (HF) radiation This high-shielding, durable fabric with a pleasant touch and superior aesthetic appearance is used to shield EMF from Wi-Fi, mobile phone masts, DECT and other...
Swiss Shield® Naturell EMF Shielding Fabric

Swiss Shield® Naturell EMF Shielding Fabric

£ 103.80

Swiss Shield® Naturell...

£ 103.80
Swiss Shield® Naturell - Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR) Shielding Fabric Shield out EMR from mobile phone masts, neighborhood DECT, and Wi-Fi with that ecologial, semi-transparent, translucent and lightweight EMF reflecive cotton based fabric.
Showing 1 - 3 of 3 items