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Low EMF Keyboards

Reduce your exposure to electromagnetic fields with our low EMF keyboard

This IR keyboard uses infrared signals, minimising electrical field exposure by over 95% compared to traditional keyboards. Enjoy the freedom of a cable-free setup with this safer alternative to Wi-Fi or Bluetooth.

This IR keyboard is thoughtfully designed with an integrated trackball, eliminating the need for a separate mouse while offering enhanced convenience and ergonomic advantages.

It is the perfect solution for individuals who wish to work or use a computer while minimising their exposure to electric and electromagnetic fields.

IR Keyboard with Trackball

IR Keyboard with Trackball

£ 114.00

IR Keyboard with...

£ 114.00
Infra-red High Reliability Cableless Keyboard with Trackball Go Wireless without Wi-Fi and reduce your electrical field exposure by over 95%! This integrated keyboard and mouse utilises infra-red signals (no infrared exposure to the user) and reduces your...
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