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5G Protective Shielding Paint EMF-Turtal

Shield your home from 5G and all other electromagnetic fields with EMF Turtal shielding paint, the leading solution for creating a safer living space. This EMF shielding paint effectively blocks 5G, Wi-Fi, and other sources of electromagnetic radiation, providing peace of mind for you and your family. The application process is straightforward: simply mix with water, apply two coats, and ground. See for yourself how easy it is to apply this innovative EMF blocking paint in the video below. 

5G Shielding Paint EMF-Turtal 3L - Powder (Indoor)

5G Shielding Paint EMF-Turtal 3L - Powder (Indoor)

£ 111.20

5G Shielding Paint...

£ 111.20
High and low-frequency shielding powder for indoor use, for 3L HF / LF, 5G, LTE - Shielding. With graphene technology, on the basis of pure acrylate. Solvent-free, breathable, and low emission. Interior / Ceiling, quick-drying. Shielding effectiveness:...
5G Shielding Paint EMF-Turtal 3L - Powder (Outdoor)

5G Shielding Paint EMF-Turtal 3L - Powder (Outdoor)

£ 115.52

5G Shielding Paint...

£ 115.52
High and low-frequency shielding powder paint for outdoor use, for 3L HF / LF, 5G, LTE - Shielding. Solvent-free, quick-drying, breathable, and low emission. With graphene technology, on the basis of pure acrylate. Outdoor area / floor (under parquet or...
5G Shielding Paint EMF-Turtal Sample 250ml - Powder

5G Shielding Paint EMF-Turtal Sample 250ml - Powder

£ 12.54

5G Shielding Paint...

£ 12.54
A sample of EMF-Turtal 5G shielding paint HF / LF, 5G, LTE Shielding. With graphene technology, on the basis of pure acrylate. Solvent-free, breathable, and low emission. This sample gives 250ml of ready-to-use shielding paint for 1m² (one...
Showing 1 - 3 of 3 items